Breathing and Being Creates the Space for Optimal Health

Have you said what up to your inner world today? Tapping into your thoughts, releasing tensions, and reconnecting with your breath are all brilliant moves in maintaining an environment of good health and healing in the body.

Toxic thoughts and overwhelming stresses contribute to an acidic environment, of which disease and illness thrive. Learning to release your hang-ups with awareness, deep breathing and presence is one of the key components to preventing illness and disease.

Inner Awareness 

Throughout our day, the mind has a tendency to ramble to no end.  Frequently, we’ll go on auto-pilot and “tune out” the mental clamor, and with good reason. Thoughts can be plagued with worry, judgment, and competition. Through our disconnection with this mental noise, we become unaware of how the voice is speaking to us and in turn making us feel.

Paying attention to your mental dialogue is the first step in creating a pleasant inner state. If you find yourself experiencing a lot of judgment, try flipping the switch by turning negative statements into positive ones. This mental make-over may take some time, but the more you practice beautifying your thoughts, the more naturally glamorous they will become.

Positive thought/intention guru Louise Hay is a wonderful guide to help you pretty up your thoughts.

Deep Breathing

When we tense up and feel stress, our lungs follow suit. You may notice that whenever you are feeling a negative emotion or tense situation your breathing gets huffy and short or shallow. Many times we are completely unaware that we are holding our breath hostage, and how much this is contributing to our dismal state of affairs.

Taking a moment to step back and breathe deep will add grace to your mode and lighten your mood. This also releases mass amounts of tension. Give yourself a few quiet moments to breathe in slowly and deeply, pause, and breathe out calmly and fully. The amount of weight that lifts from your deep breathing party-o-one will leave you light, bright and radiant.

Give the web a friendly search and you will find plenty of deep breathing exercises to explore.

The Present of Presence

Finding yourself fully present can be quite a gift. Our thoughts take us somewhere else, away from what is truly occurring in each moment. With this can come stress, anxiety and worry over something that has been created in the mind and is essentially an illusion. To break it down: we freak ourselves out over nothing.

Focusing your attention within each moment brings you back down to bliss, the breeding ground for good health. Getting present is a skill that gets easier with practice. Hone in on the moment, quiet the mind, and allow your inner guidance its chance to speak and heal you.

Present moment master Eckhart Tolle is an author and educator in all things NOW, and is a great person to turn to for present moment guidance.

You are worth the time it takes to tap into your inner world. Sink into the present moment deeply, release the mental frenzy, and you will find that you are on the road to better health. Breath, be, and know that some of the best medicine you can give yourself is already within you.

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